Friday, 8 April 2016

How To Become Indispensable At What You Do

Becoming The Go-to Person That Everyone Counts on.
 by Ishola Ayodele (ANIPR), Result oriented communication Expert.

Does your absence cause a halt or slows down work at your workplace?

The amount of money you will earn in your life will be determined by three things

1. The NEED for what you do.

2. Your ABILITY to do it.


Some people mistake indispensable for irreplaceable, says Amy Hoover, president of Talent ZOO but they’re not the same thing.
“As they say, everyone can be replaced. But to be indispensable means that you are so good and efficient at your job, that your boss and co-workers don’t want to imagine replacing you,”

she says. “You are the go-to person they
count on; the one who simply gets things done.”

Andy Teach, author of the book "From Graduation to Corporation" , and host of the YouTube channel FromGradToCorp said, “In the minds of your supervisors and perhaps your co-workers, you are essential to the overall success of the department or even the company. Their feeling is that you are a necessary and valued part of the machine. They depend on you.”

Rita Friedman, a Philadelphia-based career coach and resume writer said, “in any workplace, you’ll still find people who are absolutely indispensable – that is to say that productivity would grind to a halt if
they were suddenly no longer there.

And it’s not just C-level executives who hold this distinction; it could be an employee at any level in any department of the organization.”


A. There is a great feeling of satisfaction in a job well done and knowing that you’re making an impact.
“In this day and age when employee job satisfaction is nearly at an all-time low, it’s a great goal to have.”

B. Being indispensable can help your morale because you’re going to enjoy your job more knowing how valuable you are to the company,” he says. “It not only makes you feel that you’re
contributing to something greater
than yourself, but it also provides you with validation of what you do and who you are.”

C. Being indispensable also puts you in
a comfort zone because you won’t
have to worry as much about losing your job, “which is one less stress you won’t have to endure,” he adds.
“You have greater job security—and will (hopefully) be the last one to go if your department or company is forced to make layoffs.”

D. You’re more likely to get a raise or promotion; and you may be sought out for your special projects, opinions, and direction, says Marsha Enga

Do you Want to be indispensable now?


1. Do Work That Matters, Not Work That’s Easy.

Brian Tracy book "The Enemy Call Average" says it all, nobody will ever notice you for being an average staff or colleague.

To do work that matters you must make sure that you are doing work that are meaningful to the development and growth of your company and your career.

Let this words of wisdom from Jim Collins guide you
“For, in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work.”

2. Monopolize A Particular Skill.

Become so good at a particular skill that is sought after in your field that whenever anybody thinks of doing that job they think of you.

Israelmore Ayivor made himself indispensable by putting it excellently well in his poem

"Everybody is standing, but you must stand out.

Everybody is breaking grounds; but you must breakthrough!

Everybody scratching it; but you must scratch it hard!

Everybody is going, but you must keep going extra miles!

Dare to be exceptionally excellent and why not?"

3. Be Willing To Go The Extra Mile.

Be prepared to rinse the cottage like Jim Collins said in his book "Good to Great".
The way to add value to yourself and become indispensable is to do more than you are paid to do.  Success in life comes from what you do after what you are expected to do.
Here are 4Cs that will help you go the extra mile.
and Competency.

4. Don't Be A Go-For Manager.

These are employees who just executed. They are just like errand boys. If your days at work is nothing but go for this, go for that without any input from you then you know you are a go-for manager. Expert will call this a hiring mistake.

But if you’re one of the few who are constantly coming up with new ideas and are taking on new responsibilities you will become indispensable. And you become an asset to the company.

Jim Collins puts it masterfully well when he wrote,
“The moment you feel the need to tightly manage someone, you’ve made a hiring mistake. The best people don’t need to be managed. Guided, taught, led–yes. But not tightly managed.”

5. Help Others Without Expecting Much In Return.

Be a team player who helps his/her team members succeed. The fastest to succeed is to help others succeed.
Little wonder Brian Tracy observed that,  "Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking "What's in it for me?"

And Mohammed Ali believes,
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth".

6. Be Impeccable And Trustworthy.

People should be able to take your word to the bank. They should able to have faith in your integrity to do what you have promised to do and believe that you won't betrayed them on an agreement. When they close their eyes to jump because you told them to they needn't be afraid it is deceit.
Mean what you say and only say what you mean. Be a man of honour and integrity.
President Muhammadu Buhari won the 2015 general election as an opposition candidate a feat that has never happened in Nigeria before 2015. Do you know why?
Nigerians didn't vote for Buhari because his is business tycoon,
He only owns a ranch of cattle

his level of education, No, he only had secondary school certificate before joining the army,

his charismatic nature, No, he is an introvert,

His erudite speeches, No, he is reticent who will rather act than talk.

Then why? INTEGRITY.  Nigerians considered all politicians corrupt except Muhammadu Buhari even his opponents attest to his integrity.

7. Be Honest, Open And Adaptable.

The law of divine economics States that, "you will always get back in many folds whatever you lose by being HONEST".

Be honest, and you will have nothing to hide. You can only fool some people some times you cannot fool all the people all the time.

This is why Mark Twain said, " Truth is the most valuable thing we have, so I try to conserve it.

8. Build Relationships With Senior Managers.

 Be amiable to everyone. Do favours for people, help your superior get better at what they do. Don't look for their mistakes to bring them down, even if you see their fault and they don't use wisdom to correct them.
For instance, you have a manager that has problem keeping to time. Present him a good book on 'Time Management' on his next birthday or any open opportunity. You will be making impact in his life and thus you are adding to your own emotional bank account with him.
 Remember "people don't care how much you know until you show them how much you care"  so said Zig Ziglar.

In a nutshell,
The true and enduring route to greatness is to add so much value to yourself that people can't do without you.

This is what is called being INDISPENSABLE

I leave you with this powerful thought provoking words of wisdom from the great Leo Rosten(American humorist in the fields of scriptwriting, storywriting, journalism and Yiddish lexicography) from his book "The Education of Hyman Kaplan"
"The purpose of life is not to be happy — but to matter , to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all".

Please share your thoughts with me by   leaving a comment by clicking the post a comment box below. Thanks

Ishola Ayodele is the CEO of Bezit Global Link Limited and the Facilitator of Success Attitude Development And Empowerment Centre (SADEC)
A Public Relations practitioner and a
member of Nigerian Institute of Public Relations.
He offers the following services for Large Corporations, SMEs and Individuals.
Result Oriented communication, Effective Crisis Communication,
Reputation & Political Communication, And Impactful Presentation.

Twitter handle: @ishopr
WhatsApp number 08077932282
BBM 58ED6030

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