Tuesday, 26 May 2015


                                                     By Ishola Ayodele

According to Robert Kiyosaki a business is like a wheelbarrow nothing happens until you start pushing. But to really push your business to succeed having the knowledge of what you do is not enough. For instance, there is a clear difference between being a doctor and running a hospital for profit. To succeed faster and better in your business you must possess some business acumen, understand some cogent principles of business & have Marketing strategies with which you hope to fight completion and gain the market share.

Here are Fifteen Principles that can really boost your sales and aid your business growth.


This is like goal or the purpose of your business. That is, that particular thing your company stand for which directs what you do in your business and how you do it. This is where most businesses fail. Ask many-a business owner what the most important function of a business is? 90% of them will say profit. The fact is that for a business to grow and endure it most important function is not profit but TO SERVE the need of the customer. Your Customers will feel secured and buy more from you if they know that your desire is to render quality service and not just to make money from them. Thus, your mission statement becomes imperative as it is the window through which people see your business and what it stands for. 


             You can only deceive people once as they will flee from you as soon as they realize your                    service or product is lacking in quality. But this is not the worst that will happen to you, they              will tell everybody about how poor your service or product is. In case you don’t know                          
             "Marketing is a battle of perception.  No matter how good you are, 
              your prospect's perception of you is their reality".

But when the economy looks the way our current economy does, it’s easy to think about cutting corners. That’s fine to do internally as you reduce some operating expenses, freeze wages, freeze hiring, or possibly even letting someone go, but never, never and I repeat never compromise on the quality that you provide to your customers. As a customer myself, when I start to see quality decrease, I go elsewhere. It’s hard to gain a customer, but it’s very easy to lose one quickly if we don’t continue to provide what they expect and are accustomed to. Remember this always, 

“An advert can only bring you prospects only the quality of your product or services can make them your customer and keep them for life”.


This start by employing credible staff based on merit and the desire to work not based on ethnic or religious sentiment. A loyal and well-trained workforce will help your business move forward and stand up strong against the competition. It will also help to reduce employee turnover which means less lost of productivity spent retraining new staff. To achieve this you as the business owner need to have the in-depth knowledge of the following.

i. How to make work productive and also make workers achieving.

ii. How to combine being a Manager with being a Leader. (They are not the same)

iii. How to work on your business and not in your business.


Holding employees accountable for their individual tasks. Train them to be responsible for what is assigned to them or get an expert to help you instill in your employees your vision and mission of the business. I said an expert because whether you accept it or not your employees main purpose of joining your business is MONEY another is to use your business as a stepping stone. The truth is that if they can’t see what you saw before establishing your business they can’t perform at their best and your business cannot grow as you envisioned. Get an expert to help you train & inspire your employees. Remember if you have not trained them you can’t blame them and rather than just firing your staff fire them up for peak performance. Then they can be held accountable for their task.
Here are few of the things you need to learn as a business leader to lead your staff well
i.                    Learn to blame softly (blame in the covert)
ii.                  Learn to praise loudly (praise in the overt)
iii.                Learn to say “thank you”
iv.                Learn to say “I’m sorry”


Whatever business or profession you are running, your customers or clients are your most valuable asset. Not the volume of your stock. Not the dexterity of your skill. Not the level of your qualifications. Not your staff. Not your overheads. Not your marketing efforts.
Customers don't care about these things. Nor do they care about the machinery of running your enterprise. All they care about-rightly-is "What is this product, or service, and the organization I am buying it from, doing for me?”

People don’t care how much you know until you show how much you care.
The moment you become customer-focused you will attract more sales than you dreamed possible. Why? Because every minute you spend in front of a customer entirely focused on satisfying his or her immediate wants, that person will never forget or stop appreciating your efforts. He or she will keep buying from you repeatedly, and will also recommend you to everyone he or she thinks could benefit from what you sell. This is how the great Indian statesman Mahatma Gandhi defines a customer “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is no dependent on us, we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work, he is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business, he is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him, he is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so”.

So, your customers the most important component of your business and satisfying them to the fullest your main aim then amazing sales and profit will besiege you but without this your time, energy and resources is a waste. Remember this always 

                                               To be continued in the next edition

If this article has helped you in any way please leave your comment, testimonial or observations in the "post a comment" box below.  

Ishola Ayodele is a Public Relation Expert, Marketing Researcher & Advisor. 
He is on hand to provide you, your association or company the following beneficial services:

·                     Designing Creative and customer oriented Mission Statement.

·                     Innovative Public Relations activities for Profitability and Reputation boost.

·                     Cutting edge Fund raising Strategy. 

·                     Effective Marketing Strategies for small & medium Business and large cooperation.

·                     Staff Motivation and Exceptional customer service training and workshops.

·                     Thought provoking and action propelling motivational speeches.

For enquiry, Consultancy or booking call   08077932282, 07061121566, 08182884440  

Email: ayoishola77@gmail.com
Twitter @ishopr

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