I believe you are a human being, aren’t you?
Do you know what?
I am not a human being, All the achievers the world has ever known were not human beings as well.
I know this may sound weird to you and you may probably think I’m joking but you can bet your life I am dead serious and I mean every word I said because if not for my not being a human being I wouldn’t have been who I am today.
Let me break it down for you, you see the term ‘HUMAN BEING was only
appropriate to refer to mankind when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.
Then God provided them with everything they needed and all they were doing was being (that is existing) but after they had eaten the forbidden fruit and was sent out of the garden of Eden, they started doing things like vending for food, seeking shelter and looking for things to cover their nakedness.
They were not just existing or being any more but were actually seriously working for survival, they were not just being but doing. In essence, they were no more ‘human being’ but ‘human doing’.
And ever since then a man’s success has always been a product of his own
perspiration. A farmer must sow to reap, a man must work to earn, a man must give to get, every woman must go through the pain of child labour to enjoy the joy of motherhood.
In conclusion, to be successful in life you must stop just being a human being
and become a full blown ‘human doing’
Let me ask you a question,
From the amount of information you have gotten so far, do you think or belief you are going to be successful with your biz or talent?
Will you like me to be candid with you?
The fact of life is that “everybody cannot be successful”.
What this implies is that it is not everyone that will be successful, this is not a curse but the truth of life.
However, it is also a great truth of life that “Anybody can be successful”. What this also implies is that anybody can be successful if he/she desires.
In case you don’t know, the difference between the everybody that cannot be
successful and the anybody that can be successful is nothing but the determination and persistence with which you act on all the information you have gotten here as your success in life or business does not depend on the amount of information you have but what you do with it.
I want you to know that it is not enough to stare up the stairs you must step up the stairs. Have you ever seen a man that climbs a mountain by just looking at the it?
Take action, I repeat take action and not just any action but a purposeful and useful action because the principle of Action states that “ Action will always be taken either consciously or unconsciously”
Even an idle man has taken an action to do nothing, a man who is not busy
working on his success is inevitably busy working on his failure.
This is the reason a philosophy like “ a man who fail to plan, plans to fail” is an
eternal truth.
So, you see at every point in your life an action will always be taken by you but that is no more the question, the question will always be “Is this action leading to your life and business success or your failure and doom?”.
I hope you understand why you have to take a purposeful and useful actions now.
So, think creatively to produce an innovative product or service that will fill the need of the people or device a unique marketing strategy to sell a particular product or service, which serves the need of the people.
I can’t but call your attention to this wonderful product, which is the secret
of all the millionaires the world has ever known. This product is also creating millionaires out of some people as I am talking to you right now.
No body, I repeat nobody who ever engages in the sales of this product ever
dies poor. This product was what Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, Jimoh Ibrahim, Sony Ojaejbese, Ubong Essien and even I sold to become millionaires. This is the product I have also sold to lift myself out of the abject
poverty into which I was born.
Will you like to know this almighty product?
If you will like to know it let me see you rise to your feet. Tell the person on
the right “this product is mine for the taking”, turn to the person on left
and tell him or her “this product shall make me the next millionaire”
And indeed, there is no aota of doubt that this product will make you a millionaire.
Sit now and give me your total attention and concentration as I unravel to you this divine product, which you cannot find anywhere because it resides in you. This product is not produce by any company in the world but your company. But I don’t have a company you may think?
The fact is that you are created with your own company and all you need to
do is to discover your product and start producing. In case you don’t know you were created with your product and that product is what I prefer to call
“divine gift” which other people call talent or potentials.
It is one thing that you are gifted at, one thing you can do better than other
things. That particular thing that you can never get bored of doing even if
you don’t get paid for it. I call it divine gift because it is uniquely yours, it
suits your physical, mental and spiritual nature.
And it also holds the key to your unlimited financial success. If only you will look deep into your passion to discover this divine gift. A copy of my book titled “AWAKENING THE GENIUS IN YOU” will help you to discover, develop and will also exposes you to how you can polish, packaged and market this your divine gift successfully.
With your divine gift well packaged, everyone will buy from you whether
directly or indirectly because you don’t need permission to sell your creativity in as much as you have not violated the right of others.
See, the sales of your divine gift has been ordained by your creator because if you don’t have anything to offer to the world you will not have been born in the first place.
The fact that you were born is a testimony that your creator who gave you the product has already mandated the world to patronize you if only you will choose to sell this product.
Joshua’s product was ability to interpret dreams and he sold it to wealth.
Bill Gate’s product was computer software and he sold it to become one of the richest man on earth.
Michael Jackson’s product was pop music and he sold it to affluence.
Oprah Winfred’s product was talk show and she sold it to become one of the
richest woman on earth.
Thomas Edison’s product was invention and he produced so much that one
sixth of the American population was employed for the mass production of
his inventions.
Professor Wole Soyinka’s product was literature and he sold it to
international honour and laurel,
Aliku Dangote’s product was business and he has produced so many that he
has become the second largest employer of labour in Nigeria second only to the federal government of Nigeria.
Jay-jay Okocha’s product was football and he sold it with so much dexterity
that we have found it difficult to find a replacement for him.
Ubong Essen’s product was motivational speaking and he sold it to million.
My own product is writing and speaking and I am presently selling it to so many people that I have started counting millions.
Your own product also resides in you and it could be anything but what I
know for sure is that it will certainly make you a millionaire if you choose to
sell it because if you discover and express your divine gift, it will express
you and the world will build an expressway to your door step to express their interest to pay you.
Remember this always
“What you think, know or
belief counts for nothing what
count most is, what you do”
Please click the post a comment box below to share your thoughts with me. Thanks
Ishola Ayodele is a Public Relations practitioner and a member of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations.
He offers the following services for Large Corporations, SMEs and Individuals
Result Driven Communication,
Effective Crisis Communication,
Effectual Political Communication,
Reputation and Image management,
And Impactful Presentation Coaching.
He can be reached on 08077932282
WhatsApp 08077932282,
BBM 58ED6030,
twitter handle @ishopr